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Map for Mobile

The City’s comprehensive plan adopted in 2015lays out an exciting vision for Mobile’s long-term preservation, revitalization, and growth. The core values that guide the plan, defined through a robust public process, include a stronger, mixed-use downtown, supported by diverse and connected neighborhoods, businesses, and open spaces. Most importantly, the plan includes realizable action steps to ensure that recommendations become reality.

Progress and Action Plan

Future Land Use Map

Comments or Questions

Progress and Action Plan

Mobile is on the cusp of a new era – one with expanded opportunities for economic development and accelerated growth. While the City faces a bright future, it also faces a number of challenges such as limited mobility, sprawling conditions, and declining neighborhoods. Mobile’s biggest challenges are also its biggest opportunities. If Mobile can affect positive change in these areas, the quality of life for its citizens will improve and the city will thrive.

Map for Mobile is a framework plan that provides direction and guidance to improve the City and prepare it for the growth on the horizon. The plan presents goals and policies upon which future planning, regulations and decisions can be built.

On August 15, 2024, the City Planning Commission adopted an updated Map for Mobile, which includes a citywide update to the Future Land Use Map, Major Streets Plan, Priority Investment Areas, and reorganization of the goals and policies. The updated documents are listed below.

Map for Mobile document (August 2024 update)

The best way to create policies that improve people’s lives is to listen to their ideas. During Map for Mobile’s planning workshops, hundreds of members of our community came together to share their ideas and priorities for the future.

The Future Land Use Map and Major Streets Plan are part of Map for Mobile

The Future Land Use Map (FLUM) is the primary guide to the future physical development of the City of Mobile. The map and its land use designations describe the desired types, intensity and spatial arrangement of the City’s land uses to achieve the vision described in Map for Mobile.

The Major Street Plan (MSP) represents the City’s vision for a coordinated land use and transportation strategy. The MSP recognizes key existing and future street corridors within the City’s overall transportation network, based primarily on analyses of traffic volumes and character of traffic movements that could be generated by future development of land according to the FLUM.

View the web mapView the plan (for land use category definitions)

What the FLUM does

  • Serves as a guide for future decisions about zoning, development, and infrastructure investments

  • Describes intended use and character attributes for future development throughout the city

  • Is related to zoning, but serves a different purpose

What the FLUM does not do

  • NOT a zoning map

  • NOT a mandate for development or redevelopment

  • Does NOT change property rights allowed by zoning in place today

The Future Land Use Map is a policy guide and is not the same as the Zoning Map.

The differences include:

FLUM and Map for Mobile

Zoning map and the UDC

FUTURE. Describes land uses and physical characteristics intended in an area in the future.

TODAY. Defines land uses and development characteristics allowed on a specific site today.

GENERAL INTENT. Describes general land uses, physical characteristics, and other considerations.

SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS/ALLOWANCES. Defines specific permitted or conditional land uses, minimum and maximum structure size, required architectural and site design features, and review procedures.

GENERAL LOCATIONS. Not parcel specific.

SITE SPECIFIC. Each parcel of land is assigned a specific zoning district.

A FLEXIBLE GUIDE. Makes recommendations about the future, but is not legally binding. Adopted by Planning Commission as a guide. Zoning changes should be “in accordance with” the Plan.

A LAW. The map and zoning ordinance are legal documents adopted by City Council.

Future Land Use categories

  • Generally describe the appropriate use and character of development for a location in the future.

  • Must balance predictability with long-term flexibility.

  • More than one zoning district may be appropriate to implement a FLUM category.

Who uses the FLUM?

City Staff

  • As a basis for recommendations on development applications or rezoning requests (the FLUM is not the only factor considered)
  • To guide focused planning such as potential future infrastructure needs

City Planning Commission and City Council

  • To inform recommendations/decisions about zoning changes (other factors may also be considered)

Private Sector

  • To inform investment and development opportunities

Example: Zoning change (rezoning)

  1. Property owner or representative requests a change to the zoning of their property (rezoning)

  2. City staff reviews the request for alignment with FLUM, prepares a recommendation to Planning Commission

  3. Planning Commission considers the request and staff recommendation at the public hearing, making a recommendation to City Council

  4. City Council votes on rezoning at public hearing

Considered along with other factors

The FLUM should provide a strong rationale for supporting or opposing a rezoning. Other factors such as unique conditions or context of a site are also considered. A rationale should be given for clear deviations from FLUM guidance.

Explore the FLUM

The button below loads an interactive Future Land Use Map application in a new window. This application includes the future land use map and zoning maps.

Launch the map application

What’s on your mind?

Send us your ideas or questions about Map for Mobile, the Future Land Use Plan, or the Action Plan.

Contact Build Mobile