Redeveloping Broad Street is a “complete streets” initiative. It aims to provide safe pedestrian and bicycle-friendly access, reconnect severed neighborhoods, reconstruct aging underground infrastructure, create attractive and cohesive streetscapes, and stimulate an economically vibrant and active street environment. Once complete, it will revitalize one of the most widely used corridors in Mobile with new modernized street surfaces, bicycle lanes, handicap-accessible sidewalks, upgraded stormwater drainage, gas, water and sewer lines, and improved landscape architecture.
The project, which has been underway since 2018, involves four major phases:
- Phase 1 & 2: Canal Street to Lawrence Street
Now complete. - Phase 3: Canal Street to Baker Street
In design. - Phase 4: Martin Luther King Avenue from Broad Street to Butchers Lane
In the final stage of design.

Project News
Upcoming Design
Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue
This phase will include reconstruction of 1.2 miles of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue beginning at Beauregard Street and ending at Butcher’s Lane, just beyond Three Mile Creek. The design will feature a bike lane in both directions that is buffered from the vehicle lanes, strategically placed on-street parking, storm water drainage, and utility relocations. In addition, pedestrian safety improvements will include the construction of pedestrian crosswalks, signage, and traffic signal upgrades to include pedestrian signal heads at each signalized intersection. All proposed pedestrian improvements will adhere to all ADA requirements. The images below illustrate some of the most notable design details.

A. MLK at Broad Street (Looking West Towards Three Mile Creek)

B. MLK & Florence Howard Elementary School Crossing (Looking West Towards Three Mile Creek)

C. MLK & Florence Howard Elementary at Kennedy Street (Looking West Towards Three Mile Creek)

D. Stewart Memorial Church near Ann Street (looking west)

E. MLK & Barbershop at Live Oak Street (Looking West Towards Three Mile Creek)

F. MLK at Franklin Primary Healthcare Center (Looking West Towards Three Mile Creek)

G. MLK & Barbershop at Peach Street (Looking West Towards Three Mile Creek)

H. Parade View of MLK (Looking East Towards Downtown)

I. MLK & Former Booker T Theater (Looking West Towards Three Mile Creek)

J. MLK & Trailhead (Looking West At Three Mile Creek)

Construction Photos
What are the objectives of the Martin Luther King Junior Blvd Phase?
Residents along the MLK corridor will see reconnection to surrounding neighborhoods, major economic centers, employment locations, and local points of interest along a safer route for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike. This is the City’s first major complete streets project to extend beyond Downtown and into Mobile’s neighborhoods.
The improvements will:
- Provide a dedicated and buffered bike lane in each direction between Downtown and the Three Mile Creek greenway.
- Improve pedestrian crossings at intersections and some mid-block locations with signals and markings (including at schools and churches).
- Allow for on-street parking in appropriate locations, which will help businesses along the corridor
- Demonstrate the possibilities of similar projects for other areas of Mobile that could be considered in the future.
Where will MLK Phase of the project begin?
Near Butchers lane
Will there be traffic detours or delays?
Traffic will be allowed to continue all movements throughout project. Temporary detours will be needed at times along side streets and driveways as utility, concrete and asphalt work occurs.
Some momentary delays are expected in travel lanes for safety with equipment and personnel movements
Unforeseen issues or repairs may require temporary closures and detour of traffic on MLK
What is the construction sequence?
Work will begin near Butchers Lane and progress towards Broad St working South side of road. This will close off this side of the road while maintaining 2-way traffic primarily on the North side. Once work reaches Broad, the closure will flip to the North side and 2-way traffic shifted to South side as work continues back to Butchers Lane. As sides are closed, utility, drainage and concrete work will be done. As the final phase, the entire road will be milled and resurfaced
What about driveway access to businesses and homes?
All drives will remain open except at times when utilities lines are crossing or concrete is being torn out and repoured. Utility crossings are usually brief delays. New concrete will require 2-3 days before traffic can get on it. In all cases, owners/tenants will be informed ahead of time to address parking options.
What happens during Mardi Gras?
Once work is in the area impacted by Mardi Gras, work will be stopped. All areas will be prepped for safety. This includes things like temporary asphalt, backfill and sod, equipment removal, etc., to allow unimpeded movements of pedestrians and traffic.
What about water service or other home utility services?
Some brief disruptions in water may occur as new services are connected. Those affected will be notified ahead of time. Unexpected emergency repairs could occur. Personnel will notify all affected and work as quickly as possible to restore service. No other utilities are expected to be impacted except in emergency repair situations.
Why is the Broad Street project needed?
This project seeks to remedy the impact Urban Renewal had on the Broad Street area and the surrounding neighborhoods. The project reconnects surrounding neighborhoods to downtown and major economic centers while increasing safety for all users including pedestrians and cyclists.
What does TIGER mean?
This project is sometimes referred to as the TIGER project. TIGER is an acronym for the federal grant program that is partially funding the project. The Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant program supports innovative projects, including multi-modal and multi-jurisdictional projects, which can be difficult to fund through traditional federal programs. The City received a TIGER grant in 2016/17, which provided initial funding. The TIGER grant program has since been renamed to the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant.
Who's involved
This project is being implemented by the City of Mobile with the support of a variety of contractors. The team includes planners, scientists, engineers, landscape architects and construction experts.
Project Lead: City of Mobile Department of Public Works, Programs & Projects Management
Project Manager: Cody Reed, Programs & Project Management
City Contact: Council Districts 2 & 3
District 2:
District 3:
Consultant: Volkert