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Brookley by the Bay

A collective vision for Mobile’s largest waterfront park.

About The Project

Download the Plan

Project Progress

The City of Mobile is working to create a new signature waterfront park along Mobile Bay’s western shore. Brookley by the Bay will offer places for people to reconnect with the water’s edge and immerse themselves within the rich, biodiverse ecosystems that define the region – its tidal flats, marshes, forested wetlands, and shallow lagoons. The vision for the 98-acre site includes programmed areas that support waterfront access and recreation through the site’s incredible tree canopies, open fields, and varied shoreline and create new areas that enhance habitat resilience, enrich the understory, and allow coastal ecosystems to emerge and thrive.

From August 2022 to February 2023, the City of Mobile worked with Volkert, SCAPE, Moffatt & Nichol, and Thompson Engineering to develop a vision for Brookley by the Bay, a 98-acre waterfront park along Mobile Bay’s western shore, just east of Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley. The final plan presents a collective vision for Brookley by the Bay, guided by input from community members, local stakeholder organizations, and project partners. The park will be an integral part of Mobile’s continued growth, provide waterfront access to its residents, and showcase some of the City’s most cherished natural resources.

This idea for a patchwork of programmed spaces and dynamic ecosystems emerged through a collaborative process that involved over 300 community members, local stakeholder organizations, and project partners. Their input guided the development of a shared vision that creates vibrant gathering places for all and connects the site to the greater Mobile area. Providing multiple modes of access to the site and a range of flexible spaces that support a variety of waterfront activities – from smaller family gatherings to larger events – ensures Brookley by the Bay will be an adaptive and enduring place, helping foster a connection with Mobile Bay among current and future generations.

Project Progress

Masterplan – Completed February 2023

Phase 1 Design – Anticipated Completion June 2024

Phase 1 Design is the initial lift in constructing the community’s vision of Brookley by the Bay. Phase 1 includes re-establishing roads and park entry, installing utilities, parking lots, coastal resiliency and shoreline improvements. The goal of Phase 1 is to lay the foundation for the subsequent phases while creating a usable park for the citizens to enjoy. Amenities included in Phase 1 are ADA kayak launch, shoreline access, picnic shelters and gathering areas, and destination playground.

There are a total of four phases planned for Brookley by the Bay to capture the vision detailed in the Masterplan.

Who is involved? 

This project is being implemented by the City of Mobile with the support of a variety of contractors

Project Lead: Programs and Project Management Department, City of Mobile

City Contact: Lance Slater (Project Manager), 251-208-1037

Is the park currently open?

The property is currently closed to the public with exception to special events. 

Will there be a boat launch?

There will not be a traditional boat launch in the park, however, there will be an area designed for easy water entry/exit for kayaks/canoes/SUP etc.

Will there be a pier?

There will not be a pier. This is due to the proximity to the shipping channel, surrounding wetlands, and shallow waters. There will be a boardwalk connecting Brookley to Arlington Park through the uplands of the northern conservation easement.

Project News

What’s on your mind?

Send us your ideas or questions about the Brookley By The Bay Masterplan. Use the form below or contact the City’s project manager at


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