The City of Mobile’s Storm Water Manual will contain a series of volumes to address different storm water topics and solutions. The first of these volumes covers Low Impact Development (LID) Design and will serve as a roadmap for the proper application of LID design principles in the City of Mobile.
Why is this project needed?
The closest thing to a Storm Water Manual that the City currently has is an outdated Flood Plain Management Plan that was last revised in 1984. This updated collection of volumes will expand to address storm water topics that are important in the current climate.
What will this project address?
This project will address pertinent topics related to Storm Water Management in the City of Mobile. Volume 1: Low Impact Development (LID) Design will guide users through different LID design options and their proper application. It will be particularly useful for architects, planners, engineers, developers, homeowners, and citizens interested in incorporating LID design in their project. The use of LID design will remain optional, but this guide will be a useful tool to many interested professionals working within the City of Mobile jurisdiction.
Project progress
The City of Mobile’s Storm Water Manual will contain a series of volumes to be rolled out as they are completed, with additional volumes to be decided incrementally:
Volume 1 – Low Impact Development (LID) Design
Volume 2 – Best Management Practice (BMP) Design

Who is involved?
This project is being lead by the City of Mobile with the support of a variety of contractors.
Project Lead: City of Mobile
Project Manager: Emma Cochran
Funding: Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, RESTORE Council
Consultants: WSP USA
Q: Is low impact development (LID) design mandatory in the City of Mobile?
A: LID design is not mandatory, but highly encouraged in the City of Mobile. For those interested in incorporating LID design in their projects, this guide should act as a roadmap for the proper application of LID design principles.
Q: Who should use the Low Impact Development (LID) Design guide?
A: This guide can be used by anyone looking to incorporate LID design in the City of Mobile, and will be particularly useful for architects, planners, engineers, developers, homeowners, and citizens.
Q: Why is there only one volume in the Stormwater Manual?
A: Volume 1: Low Impact Development (LID) Design is the first volume of the Stormwater Manual. More volumes will be added as they become available.
This project was paid for [in part] with federal funding from the Department of the Treasury under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act). The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Treasury.